Shaking the tree

Weak hands today.

Kids who want to open their presents on Christmas Eve.

Took us all the way back to $8.58 -- but you can't go up every day.

Whether the Nomad orders are placed in Q2 or Q3 matters little to me.

If I were thinking about selling MVIS shares, I would think it would be smarter to wait until after the large Nomad sales to American Honda.

Lumera IPO in a couple weeks, gets a $30M asset onto the balance sheet.

That, and the cost of running Lumera gets off the balance sheet.

A huge plus in the near term.

Microvision's patent lawyers should soon be done dotting the Is and crossing the Ts on the recent breakthrough to the scanning engine that Mr. Rutkowski called a 'radical departure' from what the approach had been so far.

Breakthroughs with regard to the scanning engine are just that because they will enable us to make our products smaller, for less money, and at equal or superior quality. This is how we will get into mass market products like, say, cell phones.

This is how you make LCD screens obsolete.
