Steve Willey at World Handset Forum

thanks to view from afar!

World Handset Forum

June 9, 2004 Session 1 11:30 - 13:10

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Display and Imaging Technologies

Advances in display and imaging technologies are enabling new applications for the mobile handset, such as high resolution mapping, digital camera replacement, e-books, coupon recognition and gaming. Examine technologies such as flexible displays, electronic ink, 2 mega-pixel cameras and head-up displays.


Ken Blakeslee, Chairman, WebMobility Ventures


Steve Willey, President, Microvision

Anthony Slack, Senior Technical Director, Philips Semiconductors

Darren Bischoff, Senior Marketing Manager, E-Ink Corporation

Bruno Berge, founder, Varioptic


The cell phone is the killer app. How many of these are sold annually? 500 Million?

If we can get into 10% of the new models, at $40 royalty per unit, that's $2 Billion dollars in revenue. Very glad to see Microvision represented here.
