Intel unveils 65nm technology

Intel Drives Moore's Law Forward with 65 Nanometer Process Technology

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 30, 2004--A significant milestone in developing next-generation chip manufacturing technology has been achieved by Intel Corporation. The company has built fully functional 70-megabit static random access memory (SRAM) chips with more than half a billion transistors using the world's most advanced 65 nanometer (nm) process technology. The achievement extends Intel's effort to drive the development of new manufacturing process technology every two years, in accordance with Moore's Law.

The transistors in the new 65nm (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter) technology have gates (the switch that turns a transistor on and off) measuring 35nm, approximately 30 percent smaller than the gate lengths on the previous 90nm technology. For comparison, about 100 of these gates could fit inside the diameter of a human red blood cell.

Intel's 65nm semiconductor devices were manufactured at the company's 300mm development fab (called D1D) in Hillsboro, Ore., where the process was developed.
Now you may be saying to yourself, 'Hey, I thought this was MVIS Blog, not INTC Blog.' But it's important to keep an eye on developments in processor and memory technology -- these types of advances will enable further miniaturization of the scanned beam display form factor. Every scanned beam display product incorporates a processor and memory (check out this PDF) -- the processor receives the input from the wireless LAN interface and the user interface, and then figures out what image to display. It stores the image in memory where additional micro-controllers direct the light sources and drive the MEMS scanner to render the image. (More technically inclined readers of MVIS Blog should feel free to offer corrections or clarifications!)

With breakthrough advances in processor power, and continuing increases in memory capacity, Microvision will be able to build better and better display products.

Progress improving components of scanned beam displays, whether made by our own engineers or supplier partners, is still progress that brings us closer to the goal of inexpensive, high-resolution, high-brightness mobile displays.


  1. BJ,

    If you're not familiar with the Harrow Technology Report by Jeff Harrow you should check it out. He writes a great newsletter that used to be called "The Rapidly Changing Face of Computing" back when he worked for Compaq. His articles have been discussed many times over the years on the mvis message boards.

    He offers an e-mail alert whenever a new report is published. I've been reading them for years and they're spam free.


  2. Hi Dan,

    thanks for tip, I recently signed up for this, and this week's issue is very interesting indeed. It really makes me happy to see smart people writing about technology and its future potential and impact.

    Makes me feel like I'm not as crazy as they say I am!

    The story about storage brings me back to MVIS' holographic data storage patent which could actually trump the value of our display technology if they ever had the resources to actually pursue this.

    This is a cool site that's linked in today's Harrow report:


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