MVIS Blog Week in Review 8/27

I remain a working shlub while the guy who says 'sell MVIS at $4' pulls down a mint offering advice on what to do with your money. I think this will go down in history as the worst investment advice ever given. Now, this guy probably didn't anticipate that MVIS would rocket up on some killer announcements in the days immediately following this 'sell' call. And, everybody makes mistakes sometimes. But I think we should expect a little more than knee-jerk reactions from our high-paid equity analysts in this day and age.

This advice cost anyone who took it 55%, just three weeks later. Very likely to grow more expensive before the face-saving 'upgrade' comes.

This week we had Honda's Nomad promotion get started, as well as the MicroHUD evaluation kit kickoff. My personal feeling is that they didn't just make a MicroHUD eval kit for fun, but rather it really was "developed in response to interest from a variety of customers seeking an affordable high-performance head-up display contained in the smallest package in the industry". There's a very good chance they will generate some revenue from this eval kit, and set the stage for MicroHUDs to pop up in everything from airplanes to yachts to those little buggies the meter maids drive around.

All this stuff is going to take time to happen, and I don't expect MVIS stock to leave earth's orbit anytime soon. But it's so important to maintain your capacity for critical thinking and ability to consider the world we're going to live in, one year, three years, ten years from now in order to really have serious success in the years to come. Blowing out a substantial Microvision position because of one bad quarter is like divorcing your wife because she screwed up the souffle or something. It's just not in your best interest and often it doesn't take long before you come to regret it. A lot of MVIS shareholders who read this blog have a long term vision for their investment in the company. After doing their homework on the relative merits of Microvision's technology versus competitors in the microdisplay arena, they've come to the conclusion that the intellectual property, partnerships with market leaders and current and future products to come from the company are worth much much more than the company's current valuation.

Nobody likes to see deadlines slip or problems happen when there's a lot of money at stake. But the company will simply forge ahead in the face of any obstacle. They've already brought retinal scanning displays from enormous table sized lab experiments to the brim of a ball cap on a mechanic's head. Yet there are still miles to go. Consumer adoption of the technology is what we are all here for. Canon is leading the charge and should be commended for their vision funding the EVF and looking into the world past LCDs.

Don't forget that there are more technological leaps to be made, even from the outstanding Gen3 scanner. There will be Gen4 scanners and more scanners after that. Eventually the market will recognize what it's really worth to own that kind of technology. In the meantime, beware of stock analysts.

Have a great weekend all!
