$25,000 Nomad Sale to US Army

$25,000 Nomad Sale to US Army

6 Nomad Expert Technician Systems w/ Accessory Bundle #3 and Eye piece kit: $25,161

Purchased by TARDEC:

The U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Research, Development and Engineering

Center (TARDEC) is the nation’s laboratory for advanced military automotive

technology. Headquartered at the Detroit Arsenal, Warren, MI, TARDEC is

located in the heart of the world’s automotive capitol.

Our mission is to research, develop, engineer, leverage and integrate advanced technology into ground systems and support equipment throughout the life cycle. TARDEC’s 1,100 associates develop and maintain vehicles for all U.S. Armed Forces, many federal agencies and more than 60 foreign countries. TARDEC pushes the state-of-the-art in programs including power and energy, advanced collaborative environments, robotics, electric drive and embedded simulation to provide the Army with the materiel solutions it demands.
