
I'm not sure if this one of the goofiest things I've ever seen or one of the most brilliant. Augmented reality, in fits and starts, is coming to us all. Check out Grafedia:

Grafedia is hyperlinked text, written by hand onto physical surfaces and linking to rich media content - images, video, sound files, and so forth. It can be written anywhere - on walls, in the streets, or in bathroom stalls. Grafedia can also be written in letters or postcards, on the body as tattoos, or anywhere you feel like putting it. Viewers "click" on these grafedia hyperlinks with their cell phones by sending a message addressed to the word + "" to get the content behind the link.

You can make street art with grafedia, or just leave behind simple calling cards for others wherever you go. You can have running dialogues between authors, or create interactive narratives or poetry in public spaces. Grafedia is a boundless, interactive publishing platform, base, cheap, and easy to use. It is an open system - the places and ways to use it are limitless. With grafedia, every surface becomes potentially a web page, and the entire physical world is joined with the Internet.

Grafedia authors can make hyperlinked text at any time in three easy steps. Simply: 1. Choose a word. 2. Send a media file from your cell phone to that chosen word plus '', e.g. ''. 3. Write that word anywhere in the real world in blue with an underline. That word will then be linked to the media file the author sent to, and viewers will be able to retrieve the file. You can also upload media from your computer directly to the server here in order to create grafedia with more precise images.

OK, I'm coming to the conclusion that this is falls into the brilliant category. Take a look at it's creator John Geraci's other projects on his website, Subfuzz.

Discovered at the wonderful Near Near Future Blog.
