Tech companies to promote grid computing

Tech companies to promote grid computing

A number of the world's leading technology vendors have announced the formation of the Globus Consortium, a new industry organization designed to promote grid-computing software in commercial enterprises.

25 Jan 2005, 16:53 GMT -

The Globus Consortium, which will benefit from the backing of Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intel and Sun Microsystems, will be dedicated to the commercial advancement of the Globus Toolkit, an open standards building block for enterprise-level grid implementations.

HP, IBM, Intel, and Sun are reported to have invested some $250,000 each into the consortium. The new group's technology roadmap will therefore be guided by charter members, and Dr Ian Foster and Steve Tuecke, consortium board members who led the original team that developed the Globus Toolkit at Argonne National Labs.

Grid computing, which saw worldwide revenues grow 25% between 2003 and 2004, provides scientists and engineers with access to powerful computers over the internet. The technology has enabled an increasingly diverse list of companies to run complex computer programs over numerous machines and locations.

While the Globus Consortium is not a standards body, it does intend to work in tandem with existing grid standards bodies - such as the Global Grid Forum (GGF) - to further drive implementation of standards that best support enterprise grid implementations.

"Grid computing is going mainstream as enterprises see ways to utilize distributed, large-scale deployments of standards-based hardware and software to solve complex computing problems and drive their business operations to the next level," said Richard Wirt, general manager of Intel's software and solutions group.
