Gizmondo to release First Ever GPS-Enabled Game

Gizmondo to release First Ever GPS-Enabled Game

[Gizomondo] provides cutting-edge gaming, multimedia messaging, an MP3 music player, Mpeg4 movie playing capability, a digital camera and a GPRS network link to allow wide-area network gaming. Additionally, it contains a GPS chip for location-based services, is equipped with Bluetooth for use in multi-player gaming and accepts SD and MMC card accessories.

Gizmondo will also feature expert demos of the first ever, internally developed GPS enabled gang warfare game, Colors.

One of the show's lead games, Agaju: The Sacred Path, will also feature new gaming technology only available on Gizmondo using Augmented Reality and Gyroscopic Camera technology.

The Gizmondo device and its games are in retail stores now in the UK, and in North American and Continental Europe markets from Spring 2005

Those of you who have read MVIS Blog for any period of time will note that I have been pretty much shouting at the top of my lungs about GPS-enabled, location-based services coming to mobile devices in the immediate term. It's not surprising that these services would start out as video games, where innovation and first-mover advantage is so critical to gaining market share.

The only troubles with location-based, augmented reality gaming that uses a regular handheld LCD screen are you can not overlay information on your regular field of view; you can not see the display outside in ambient light; you have to hold the display in one hand. Augmented reality glasses from Microvision will solve this problem by keeping your hands free, and providing an information overlay that seamlessly melds the digital 3D objects into the scene with 'real reality'. This is what it's going to take for AR gaming and AR services to take flight. 'Situational awareness' is not just for pilots and tank drivers. It's for gamers too.
