Audi Plans to Use Laser Projection Head-Up Display Soon

Audi: Head-Up Display with Laser Projection

German car magazine "Auto Motor und Sport" is reporting that Audi is planning to use head-up displays with laser projection soon.

This is just the first step regarding the high information density and the need for new displays.

According to Willibert Schleuter, responsible for electric and electronic development, Audi will display such information like speed and driving directions from the navigation system.

The laser projection will be used to reach better contrast and better pictures.

In future it is planned to also show and mark traffic signs, distance warnings or to display the navigation arrows directly "on" the real streets.

In mid-term not only a small part of the front window shall be used, it is planned to use the whole window. This is currently tested in the "Electronics Research Laboratory" (ERL) in the US.

Source: Auto Motor und Sport (only in German)
More on Audi's Laser Projection HUD:

Audi-Lasertechnik: Lichtshow auf der Frontscheibe

Audi plant Head-up-Display und Laser-Projektion

Microvision and Electronics Research Lab of Volkswagen of America to Develop Advanced Automotive Prototype Display

In case you were wondering, Microvision's MicroHUD is the world's only laser projection HUD.


  1. would you please tell me that how i could control the laser technology with micro controller.


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