All I Want Is Everything That You've Got

Positive energy creates more positive energy. You never know what kind of power an idea has, as soon as it's embodied in an email or a blog post or a blog comment. Somebody can read anyone's idea and take it and run with it, or tweak it and improve it and make it better.

MVIS Blog is the #1 Independent Resource for MVIS Investors. But the blog's value as a resource can be amplified and magnified. Microvision shareholders are smart people. We are forward thinkers and can imagine things coming into being before they happen. This is a rare skill. The large majority of the population looks around at the world and sees what's there and says 'this is the world'. Microvision shareholders look around at the world and say, 'this guy's job would be easier for him if he had a head-up display.'

This is what I want to do: transform this blog into an idea generation and value creation engine. I want everybody who has anything to say about Microvision -- be it products or target markets or configurations or software we'd like to see -- to use this blog to just put it out there. Put your ideas out into the world. You just don't know what can happen. Ideas take on a life of their own when they are expressed.

Creative energy is such a powerful force. It really can change the world. As Microvision shareholders, we own the rights to what is potentially the most significant technology for enabling new mobile computing modalities. What is the most pressing need to be addressed?

What are the jobs where you absolutely benefit from having access to diagrams or manuals or location information or any other critical computer data that can be relayed in (for now) monochrome red?

We see the beginnings of this application focus with the recent Hunter Wheel Alignment agreement. Here we have an easy to understand, readily quantifiable benefit from using Nomad. In the military space, the benefit is potentially much more significant, for soldiers, vehicle operators and pilots. We have heard about plant maintenance and manufacturing trials, even though we haven't seen any data from these yet. But even all this is just a small fraction of the total addressable market for wireless head-up computers like Nomad.

What is possible in the current configuration and price point of the product? When is the value of having hands-free information superimposed on your field of view so obvious that you are happy to spend the $4,000 for units for every single guy on the job? That's what I'd like to spend some time on, and I'd like to engage everybody who reads the site to think about this and post a comment or send an email.

The collective power of the minds of the hundreds of people who read this site can bring forward in time the moment when we are all celebrating Microvision's profitability. Thanks for your readership over the last year and a half. Now let's see what we are capable of making happen.


  1. Ben:

    The display technology can be used(once shrunk to the proper form factor) to free people from behind counters in all types of industries. Long lines at the drive thru could be eliminated, airlines could use the technology curbside, car rentals could be done on location, retail sales people would never have to leave the floor to see if they have another size in stock, stockbrokers no longer tied to their desks, lawyers able to access vast quantities of information while at trial, Drs. able to see patient records while performing examinations of surgeries, catchers being able to see stats about the current batter before deciding what pitch to call, and countless others.

  2. Hi Ben, I am an architect and thought it could be useful at a jobsite to access construction drawings through a heads -up display rather than the traditional bulky sets of prints used today. Or in the office to access digital photos of an existing building while preparing renovation plans. Years ago, to sketch an addition for an illustration, I would use a slide projector to cast the image onto a wall, then tape up a piece of paper and trace it. Could this type of sketching be done with a retinal display?

  3. I like the security applications. While the VRD displays an image on the user's retina, it can take a picture of the retina at the same time. You thus have a realtime biometric identification of the user seeing the data. MVIS has patented the idea.

  4. I like the idea of catchers seeing stats, but somehow, I'm guessing that players might not be permitted such steroids for the eye. How about coaches? The guys up in "the booth" talk to coaches on the sidelines using headsets. How about showing the coach replays and other video information. Why carry a clipboard? What would the value of the PR be worth to have a bigtime coach show up on TV wearing a Nomad?

  5. I like the idea of catchers seeing stats, but somehow, I'm guessing that players might not be permitted such steroids for the eye. How about coaches? The guys up in "the booth" talk to coaches on the sidelines using headsets. How about showing the coach replays and other video information. Why carry a clipboard? What would the value of the PR be worth to have a bigtime coach show up on TV wearing a Nomad?

  6. If a full color version is anywhere even moderately close to reality, why is the company or anyone else even halfway concerned with mono-red applications? Is not a renewed effort in finding mono-red applications an admission that full color is years away? Resources appear limited so why squander them away on marketing (attempting to market) an obsolete model or one that is soon to be obsolete? Something just doesn't compute here IMO.

  7. to the most recent comment, every unit that we can sell now in the current incarnation will result in less dilution of the stock -- what I'm driving at is that maybe there's an application where mono-red is perfectly fine and a $4,000 price tag won't turn people off either. Could be that we're on our way with Wheel Alignment but I'm just putting it out there to everybody to say, 'hey, let's see if there's something we've overlooked'.

    Since the product is ready to go, it's not a big effort to try and figure who could benefit from it immediately -- and if they can use a mono-red version, they can sure use a color one too, right?

  8. Perhaps the company needs to release a software developer guide for the NOMAD display.

    The display is a tool, it's useless if the software is not design to work with the tool.

    Certainly, the display can use for any application, but most of the application's user interface is not support keyless entry.

    New bread of applications need to design specificly for using just the mouse to input entry, and navigate the information in the fatest fashing.

    The product is here, but we just need more people take advantage of the tool to make it popular.

    Software is the key to the success for this display.

    I wish I can purchase the NOMAD at a discount price. I am a software developer and can see developing new application with this display that can benefits many area of my company.


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