Tell Me Something Good

Hey everyone. Well I'm back at it. I don't have much to say, really. My horoscope told me not to get emotional about my personal finances. Which is turning out to be good advice.

I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what people see when they look at MVIS. It can feel like a lonely road sometimes, believing in something that the rest of the world either doesn't know about, doesn't care about, or thinks you're insane for believing.

My belief is that augmented reality will emerge as a major phenomenon over the next few years. And that phenomenon will be 'powered by Microvision'.

This is the belief that has compelled me to purchase so much of MVIS. At this moment, it has been an expensive belief.

But the story hasn't yet been told. Let's put some cash in the bank, slash the burn rate by about half, get that product revenue way, way up, get some killer contracts and get out of the ditch here.

Let's do what must be done to give this company a clear path to profitability and give people visibility into why they should want to own shares of this company. Why this is the most unique and compelling opportunity for them compared to any other investment they could choose. Let the enthusiasm (i.e., insanity) of the diehard longs rub off on the rest of humanity somehow.

Kick this up a notch. I've been running around with my hair on fire for years trying to generate interest and enthusiasm about Microvision and their incredible technology. It's not that hard. It comes naturally. And I don't even work there. So let's do this thing. Let's make this thing so god damn compelling that it isn't just really nutty people who take out loans on their houses to buy shares in the company but regular folks too who see the picture and see where this company could be in just a little while.

A note to everybody: I've been contacted by quite a few people over the last several weeks and they've all been very encouraging, saying stick to it, keep at it, thanks for elucidating the argument that this is a good stock, a good opportunity. And I really appreciate everybody for doing that. It is not easy when every day for weeks on end you get hit over the head with a beer bottle. So everybody who's said keep your chin up, thanks.

In the words of a friend of mine, this thing is either going to work, or it's not. We just don't know the answer to that yet.


  1. There is no public information to justify this decline. My guess is that investors are just getting impatient. It's their loss.

  2. I'm there with you, keep the faith. I do disagree with the prior poster about no public information to justify the decline. The last 10-Q (Page 21) shows that they are running really low on cash, and will need new investment to continue, which may dilute the value of current shareholders.

    I sure believe in their technology, and I'm sure they will get more capital. Just with that $11million Army contract would go thru. (The one anounced in May for the Stryker brigades.)


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