Freedom of Virtual Displays Slide Deck

Back in February, I transcribed most of Steve Willey's presentation in Japan, "The Freedom of Virtual Displays".

This is really a fascinating discussion that gives real insight into the business goals of Microvision, how the company looks at the world, and what are the business benefits to partner companies for going forward with a Microvision solution to the 2" screen mobile multimedia bottleneck.

Presentation Transcription (partial)

Presentation Movies: Win. Media PlayerQuick-Time

PowerPoint Presentation Slide Deck

Definitely note this stunning image of the Microvision Picoprojector about 2/3 of the way through the deck under the heading "Alternate, MicroProjector Configuration. A large, Virtual Image for the User."

Fascinating stuff. Enjoy!

Thanks to Pat for the link to the slide deck.

PS: MVIS Blog Podcast coming soon! :-)


  1. Finally a picture of the Pico Projector!
    I can't tell if the projector is just the top unit or if it also includes the metal base it's standing on.

    Nice run up in price the last 3 days. Could be something's finally coming down the pike.

  2. Looks to me like it's just the top unit, and it's just perched on top of that metal base.
    Has a very 'Star Wars' look in the gun metal grey package.


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