Bosch Talks Laser HUD

Microvision makes the world's only Laser HUD. In September 2005, Microvision and Bosch signed a letter of intent to "formalize the ongoing collaboration of the two companies in exploring the development and commercial production of a laser scanning automotive head-up display (HUD)." Thanks to view from afar.

Blaupunkt: Integration of Head-Up Displays


Integration of Head-Up Displays:
Innovative display technology from Blaupunkt
Information on the windshield

· Information appears directly within the driver's range of vision
· Driver information designed to keep you in the picture

The cockpit is growing more and more important as a vehicle information and control center. That's why the engineers at Blaupunkt, the Bosch Car Multimedia division, design the increasingly more complex infotainment technologies to integrate easily and above all compatibly into vehicles right from the beginning. As Dirk Hoheisel, Executive Vice President Engineering at Blaupunkt GmbH, said at a press conference in Stuttgart on February 20, 2006: "It is becoming more important all the time to relieve the driver of undue stress and strain by implementing simple operating and display systems. After all, the range of information and entertainment available in vehicles in the future will definitely continue to expand." Consequently, Blaupunkt, a trusted supplier of driver information systems and cockpit electronics for many years now, will use new technologies for Head-Up Displays (HUD) to continue improving the operating ergonomics and clarity of display systems.

Head-Up Displays project driver information onto the vehicle windshield, directly into the driver's primary range of vision, enabling the driver to become aware of this information quickly and easily.

According to Hoheisel, Blaupunkt is currently developing the so-called box-based systems, which already meet automotive manufacturers' stringent demands in terms of image size and resolution, as well as HUD technologies based on the "flying-spot" principle, which overlays the virtual HUD image on the actual visible surroundings. The "flying spot" technology that Bosch is now developing can also make these images "visible reality": "A night-vision image, for example, can indicate the exact location of an obstacle that the driver is not yet able to see and then issue the corresponding warning," Hoheisel explained further.

With the integration of Head-Up Displays, Blaupunkt will offer vehicle drivers important information on the windshield directly where they can see what is going on around them. The growing popularity of this technology will also make an important contribution to greater traffic safety.

Night Vision in die Windschutzscheibe integriert


Night vision into the windshield integrates

Like Dr. Dirk Hoheisel, managing director development the point of blue GmbH, on the occasion of a conference of technical literature yesterday in Stuttgart reported, “it ever more importantly, the driver by simple serving and display systems will relieve, because the information and maintenance offer continues to increase in the future in vehicles.” Point of blue wants to improve therefore also with new techniques for Head UP displays (HUD) control ergonomics and clarity of announcements further. According to Hoheisel point of blue develops both then box-based systems mentioned, as it offers also Siemens VDO, which fulfills requirements of the car manufacturers at dimension of picture area and dissolution, already increased, and HUD technologies after the “Flying Spot” - basic principle. The virtual HUD picture of the material visible environment is purposefully overlaid. With with Bosch “Flying Spot” developed - technology (laser-CAN-he-based system) also these representations “visible reality” can become. Thus can be built both HUD systems and closed box in the instrument panel and so-called free space barrels. Disadvantage of the box systems is the relatively large building area in the instrument panel, as one can see with BMW the 5er. The mini Beamer technology on basis of the Flying Spot technology, developed from point of blue, is about as largely as two matchboxes and produced on a Projektionsfläche within the box a between picture, which the driver likewise gets over one in the box arranged reflecting optics into the primary field of view on the windshield indicated. This technology will already go into full color 2008 into series. Substantial advantages of the new technology opposite display-based HUDs are a contrast improved around the factor 100 (thus no disturbing background light at night), higher Farbsättigung and better efficiency. “With it exactly the place of an obstacle not yet visible for the driver can be indicated and to be spent then an appropriate warning” described Hoheisel with a night vision picture. With the integration of Head UP displays point of blue offers in the future important information on the windshield and with direct view of the traffic happening to drivers.


  1. The word 'laser' appears nowhere in the Bosch press release. That they're working on better, crisper HUDs is no surprise but there is nothing here to tie this announcement with Microvision. This actually worries me; if this isn't a Microvision HUD, the technology has been rejected after 9 months since the 'non-binding' loi.

  2. we've got the Bosch LOI as the backdrop, and Tokman's assertion that a binding agreement will be reached for AutoHUD in 2006.

    'flying spot' sounds like 'scanned beam' to me and there is the word LASER in the translated German text.

  3. To the person that says there is no mension of MVIS. read their web site. The contribution of MVIS will be their IPM module for the tier 1 to use in "THEIR HUD". That is the meaning of tier 1.


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