Touched with Light: Scanned beams display or capture information at video rates

Here's an hour-plus long, highly detailed review of Microvision's proprietary technology platform as well as some unique applications it can enable, presented to an audience of Microsoft employees. Pretty awesome.


  1. NOMAD Scanner cost: ~$10
    Endoscope Scanner cost: ~$1
    IPM For every display: Priceless.

  2. The presentation indicates a need for a significant amount of pre-processing of images prior to being displayed to counteract the image warping caused by the sinusoidal scanning motion. Such image processing hardware uses plenty of space and power, thus I am concerned about how to use the IPM in cell phones and small HMDs for example.


  3. I got this in an email last week from the reader 'hbolsen' who posted the previous comment: "Pre-warping the image data is useful in some applications, but for most of our products the distortion caused by the mirror's
    sinusoidal scanning is not perceptible. For example, we do not
    perform any distortion processing on our Pico Projector or near eye displays, and the images are always well received by our potential partners. The curvature of the windshields in automobiles does require an image pre-warp in our HUD product. Fortunately, the HUD images are not complex and the rate at which they are updated is low so the processing requirement is quite minimal."


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