Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak: Little Laser Projectors are Next Big Thing

Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak on CNBC Squawk Box Friday, September 29

CNBC Squawk Box: What do you think the next big thing in technology is going to be?

Woz: I'm really interested in display technologies...Little laser projectors that maybe you could make a computer as tiny as something that fits in your pocket, and it has a full keyboard, and full projection as well, and you take it with you anywhere you want to go.

Quote begins at 4:30 into the clip.

Steve Wozniak is the inventor of the Personal Computer.


  1. Hey Ben. Glad to see you can still post on your blog. I suppose now that you're an employee of Microvision, you are limited to only posting stories on the web and cannot post your thoughts on Microvision.

    Congrats again on your new job. I'm sure you'll have a big hand in Microvision's success.

  2. Thanks so much! I've got some ideas percolating so stay tuned...!

  3. Will it be possible to post AT's presentation at Gilder?

  4. Ben, Speaking of Apple,have you seen-

  5. Hi,

    I don't have AT's presentation at Gilder but from what I understand, it's similar to the one given at the Noble Financial conference a few days earlier.

    To the recent question, I have seen the Myvu, and I'm watching them with keen interest.

    Sorry for the sparse updates, I hope to get some time freed up to report back to you all again soon.



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