Automotive Testing Expo Europe

Amazing Night

The Seattle area got hit with a surprise blizzard tonight during rush hour -- I took this photo on my walk after the road home was blocked by numerous stalled cars. Fortunately for me, I was able to get my car to a parking lot near a Starbucks. I left it there, got a triple mocha and set off on a pretty epic hike home.

As luck would have it, I had brought my parka to work for the first time this year. This proved to be an excellent decision.

It was absolutely wild to see the snow pounding down, and all the cars either stuck, stalled or unfortunately crashed. Hiking up and down the hills between work and home, watching the snow fall and watching out for the traffic was a memorable experience. When I got home, my wife and kids were at our neighbor's house, playing with their boys out in the snow. Pretty great.

Nights like tonight you remember for a long time (with fondness, as I was able to avoid any accidents)...and they make the value proposition of a big SUV with traction control pretty inescapable!


  1. ...and Microvision's new augmented-reality Color Eyeware line would no doubt have served the added purpose of providing blizzard trekkers with much-needed eye protection from the harsh winds and pelting snowflakes!

  2. Better yet....interface the color eye wear with the infrared camera mounted on the front of your vehicle to better see through the snow.

    I thought GM was adding this infrared camera to their topline sedans.

  3. I'm surprised MVIS is still in business. Shocker.

  4. That's right, they fired their lame leadership team last summer. I guess miracles really can happen. Now MVIS might have a fighting chance. Hopefully it's not too late.

  5. I left had an appointment in Seattle at 4:00 yesterday and left to go back home at 4:30. It took me until 8:00 that night to get to Woodinville (normally about an hour drive at that time of day). I think I averaged about 5 miles an hour the entire time. Pretty crappy out there!


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