GearLive: Microvision's Tiny Projector

CES 2007: Microvision's Tiny Projector (Video)

Microvision was showing off their new projector technology: the worlds smallest. The new laser powered projector is smaller than a box of matches, yet manages to project a bright DVD quality image from a portable device such as a cell phone, camera, or media player. They won't be selling directly to consumers, but are aiming their miniscule pixel pusher at device manufacturers wishing to let their users have a screen larger than the pocket sized device they make.


  1. Excellent video, really answers some questions I have been having. Not very much on the HUD, any media coverage on the Visteon HUD display?

    Great job on the blog Ben. I miss you being able to state your opinion since joining MVIS, but I know you are helping to further the cause!


  2. you can find the HUD in action at the world business review... i believe there is a link...,
    thanks to danhenry for putting it up..

    Great Job Ben..



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