Corning Green Laser Technology

Corning Emerging Technology

Check out this cool flash movie that shows off Corning's green laser development.


  1. Ben,
    just a general comment about the microvision technology, correct me if i'm wrong but didn't the laser scanning technology begin with the premise of scanning an image directly onto the retina? It just seems this objective is no longer talked about and the full colour eyewear will involve projection onto the glasses lense? was this technology deemed dangerous? and also what is the health risks associated with pico-p will it carry the standard laser warnings, avoid pointing in the eye etc?

  2. They're had this video up for quite a while now... what are your thoughts on their technology? Are they anywhere near yours? Could they offer some serious competition?

  3. anonymous 7:28...

    Corning is a key SUPPLIER of green lasers for our PicoP module.

    They are an important partner in the global supply chain for Microvision's PicoP products.

  4. Anonymous 1:03 AM...

    Color Eyewear will also use retinal scanning technology. Our eyewear lens display delivers the scanning laser to the wearer's eye, while maintaining very high see-through performance. Same principle as in our Nomad product, just full color and with a radical new optics approach.

    Regarding PicoP safety, I would expect any safety label to say something to the effect of 'Do Not Stare Into Beam'.


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