
Our goal at Microvision is to have a significant impact in terms of how people visualize information. To do that, we've got to bring our products to millions of people worldwide. So, we've focused on the mobility market for PicoP. Because nearly everybody on Earth has a mobile phone -- and there's visually rich media content that's delivered via mobile phone networks -- content that is constrained by the millions of tiny device LCD screens.

Indeed, everybody wants a better viewing experience for mobile content.

This week, we've teamed up with Motorola, a market leader in the mobility space to develop pico projector display products for mobile applications.

As you've seen, this announcement has generated a lot of press, a lot of which I tried to capture, but really maybe half of what's out there so far -- and it keeps coming from around the world.

The impact of bringing projectors to cell phones worldwide is pretty quickly understood by mobile phone users everywhere. It's just kind of like, the next thing. Cameras, mp3 players, TV broadcasts, texting -- projecting.

And yes, we can use PicoP in eyewear, too.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Ben,

    Is the photo a subtle way of showing us a prototype of the eyewear.


    I'm just kidding of course, keep up the good work.

  2. Ben, In case you haven't seen this on AR:
    "Is It Live or Is It AR?"


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