Back from AUSA

Well, it was a great show, but it's great to be back in WA. The theme of our booth at the show was 'the ultimate in soldier situational awareness', and this can be illustrated most clearly by the interface design in popular warfighting simulation games, such as Ghost Recon. The soldier has access to battlefield augmented reality systems: this means that mission critical information, video feeds and real-time tactical data are superimposed on the soldier's field of view in an unobtrusive and soldier-centric user interface.

Applications such as Blue Force Tracking already integrate data from various systems to create a holistic picture of the battlefield. Disseminating this information to soldiers in real-time, in chaotic battlefield environments, requires a new kind of wearable display.

Microvision is developing see-through color eyewear to enable exactly this scenario and application space. We believe this is an exciting market opportunity, and we're committed to delivering breakthrough display products that meet the needs of our men and women in harm's way.


  1. Ben,

    Did Microvision exhibit any prototypes at AUSA?


  2. Ben,
    was the HMD the same that I saw at the SID this year, or was there any different config.
    sorry to double up on the comment above, but I ask for some of that info please

  3. The Seattle Times noted a couple of days ago that your product for the military doesn't work,!

  4. We demonstrated a prototype of our see-through full color HMD at the show. As I discussed in the blog post, the theme of our booth was about making games like Ghost Recon into reality for every soldier. One of the great things about being at the show was the ability to expose many individual soldiers to our see-through technology. Every single one of them remarked how cool it was and how they could really use that capability.

    RE: Seattle Times, won't beat a dead horse, but Nomad was what it was. We're developing a radical new product that is designed from the ground up to meet the demands of our military customers.

    We know there is huge demand for see-through color eyewear from these customers. This was inescapable from our experience at the show and our interactions with customers. It's up to us now to bring the product into being and that's what we're working on.

  5. That is good to hear. Let us hope this time the product can differentiate between who is a good guy and who is not.


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