Gadgets for niches of the future

Gadgets for niches of the future

Paul Gilster
The flow of news out of the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas seems greater than ever before, but rather than finding overarching themes, I'm seeing individual products, some of them evolving into niches whose future shape is not clear. Let's look at a few of these and speculate about how they might develop.

* The art of projection should be big in 2008. Now that we've seen video on tiny screens such as the iPod's, the reality factor sets in. Because I don't want to put on my reading glasses to watch a video, I'll opt for the PicoP, a laser display module for cell phones that lets you project video imagery or still photos on a flat surface. This one is only a prototype from Microvision (, but mark my words, projection from cell phones and PDAs makes so much sense that it's going to become big business in short order.
