MVIS 2024 Q3 AI Chat


First of all, I'm very happy to say that MVIS Blog experienced record traffic yesterday, and I want to thank everybody for reading.

I thought it could be a nice idea to pick out some of the highlights from yesterday's tremendous conference call and kind of give a 30,000 foot view of the status of the company as I see it.

Profitability in late 2005/early 2006:

"reducing to raw numbers, breakeven would require $14-15M (rev in a quarter)

late 2005, early 2006 moved out with delay in Nomad is very achievable

$20-30M capital required to get there

cost of capital goes down as topline ramps

if topline grows from contracts and products will reduce cost of capital

LMRA asset will contribute to lower cost of capital."

Company's OEM Solution Segment is on the verge of significant design wins:

"Strategic objective to advance tech towards specific solution and achieve design win for volume production and associated revenue."

Significant opportunities in play at this time:

With Large Asian Partners:

Digital Camera Electronic View Finder

Wearable Gaming/Entertainment Displays

Large Screen Laser TV

Laser Printer Engine

With European Automotive Partners:


"[met] significant milestones, HUDs in 4 vehicles in 2005 across multiple brands."

With Undisclosed Partners:

2D Barcode Scanner

Laser Microcamera

"Talking about 3mm diameter camera with 1.2M resolution. Very compelling features for medical applications that we’ve worked with in the past. Strong potential for development activity leading to design wins in this area as well. Under contract now for systems definition to complete before the end of the year. Emphasis is convert contracts into solutions for OEMs. Upside surprises for design wins."

Here is some more information about the company's image capture products including the Laser Microcamera.

Rick got a question in the Q&A period about why does the company continue to invest in R&D while incurring losses. His answer was eye-opening:

"evidence will be seen very soon...if [we get a] significant oem design win, perhaps that will validate the activities we're participating in."

Nomad Military

"soliciation for purchase of 37 Nomads + accessories for army reserve vehicle maintenance depots; significant new market opening up

miltary sales to come in larger unit chunks a lot of opportunities for Nat'l Guard and other branches of military

completed highly successful test for air force maintenance crews

recently seen very strong and growing interest in military maintenance

lots of money available for purchase of e-tools

broad categories of budget available to support purchase of tools like Nomad.

Stryker Brigade order for 10 units, preparing to ship shortly

pre-solicitation for 2 units for option of up to 250 units for Stryker

avg selling price $6,000

number would correlate to equip 1/2 to 2/3 of a brigade's full requirement

250 unit order is sole source solicitation.

mvis is only source that meets their requirements

day/night readability, compatibility with FBCB2 and weapons sighting."

Nomad Automotive:

"adp + reynolds&reynolds will distribute Nomad in Canada & US later in this quarter

large leads coming from independent reps

add software + solution providers as part of disty channel

growth from repeat orders as well

increase in sales activity across the board in October

400 dealers requested demos, across all major brands of vehicles."

Future Nomad Markets:

"commercial aviation is obvious choice, given very positive recent US Air Force experience

testimonial videos

within automotive, 2 major auto OEMs looking for manufacturing + mfring maintenance equipment

also interested other users of high capacity machines and equipment [semiconductor, consumer packaged goods companies have interest in Nomad]."
