MVIS 2024 Q3 AI Chat

FOX 7 News Edge Extra: Hi Tech Gadgets

FOX 7 News Edge Extra: Hi Tech Gadgets (video)

AUSTIN -- Ever consider how yesterday's gadgets become today's necessities? Every Sunday for the next four weeks we are going to look at emerging technology that could have a profound impact on how we live our lives. FOX 7's Mike Warren shows you the new technology soon to arrive in a store near you.


  1. Ben,
    Is it possible to have a level sensor that the scanning mirror adjust to so that if you project on a wall at an angle, it will compensate the scan so the screen will still be rectangular instead of flared out on the top? Obviously not required, but it would be a cool feature that may not be possible with the other competing technologies.

    Also, how active is MVIS working on the reverse capability...using the scanning mirror to read the light from the outside world to be able to do other more interactive stuff? Is it possible to do both at the same time?

  2. Nice full page in this months Popular Science on the SHOW.

  3. Hey Ben,
    Can you see what you can do to give us more updates on the eyewear program? In my opinion NO ONE can come close to what you all can do with this tech, and what can it hurt. It can only excite the true believers and feed our souls while we on the sidelines wait patiently.

  4. Do you share this Vision of the future? Electronic Contact Lens promises bionic capabilities for everyone

  5. Ben,
    Are you familiar with the work of Johnny Chung Lee of Carnegie Mellon University?

  6. Ben,
    Is another company stepping in to buy - not just the Show, but the whole company?

  7. #1, I don't think that would be informaton that would be leaked until an offer was made. What gives you that idea?

  8. Guys, this is no longer Ben's blog!! When he became an employee, all information posted changed. Ben cannot answer questions about the company or the PPS.

    He can make generic references only. Nothing specific, unless it is outside the company.

  9. Some talk of it (hostile buyer ) on a couple of the other chat boards. It would be too bad if someone picked up the company before it could make a significant move upward. However, with this technology and the various patents, it seems like only a mattter of time until someone makes a move on it, with so many big companies sitting on so much cash right now.


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