MVIS 2024 Q3 AI Chat

Projection Summit 2009

Projection Summit 2009

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is doing great out there. I'm getting ready to head off to Orlando (94 degrees and thunderstorms!) for this year's Projection Summit. I'll be talking about the 3D display market, and some of the ways that Microvision technology can address it. So, it should be a fun trip, and I'm excited to participate. Here's the abstract to my presentation:
3D Content Meets 3D Laser Projector
3D content is proliferating rapidly. Movies, games and increasingly live sports and concert films are being filmed in 3D. One unique challenge facing this emerging category is the lack of in-home 3D displays. 120 hz LCD panels and plasma screens typically require shutter glasses for viewing 3D content, but next generation display technologies employ passive 3D glasses, which are lighter weight, lower cost and more acceptable to the wearer. Microvision's laser scanning pico projector platform enables 3D content in the home, viewed through lightweight passive glasses, without the purchase of a new, large, expensive flat panel monitor. During this presentation, we will address the burgeoning 3D content market and the unique value proposition for a mobile 3D laser projector.


  1. Yeah, I've always said that the 3D aspect to the Color Eyewear will be huge - very popular. Even relatively low-res images will look so cool in 3D. The retailers will love this as everyone will need to buy a new camera/camcorder to take advantage of the change to 3D.

  2. Hey Ben,

    Good to hear from you. Really missing the regular updates, the lack of which can be attributed to valid reasons, obviously.

  3. Ben,
    Nice work on the presentation. It was informative with a nice bit of humor sprinkled in.
    ~ Brad


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