WASHINGTON — Microsoft is seeking to transfer its entire IVAS contract over to Anduril, in a stunning twist to the long-running saga to deliver mixed-reality goggles to troops. The move — which would see Anduril assume oversight of the entire program, including development of the current hardware and software, hiring decisions on staff and takeover of production — comes as the Army is considering launching a follow-on IVAS competition given the years-long delays on getting the system operational. Version 1.2 was billed as the key make-or-break upgrade — an iteration to correct past problems, in part, by transitioning the device from a helmet-like display with a 70-degree field-of-view, to a hinged, flat design with a 60-degree field-of-view that soldiers can flip up. The service hasn’t released details of initial testing with that new redesign, and a recent Director of Test and Evaluation report on fiscal 2024 activities said the service is now expected to detail findings of an operational assessment of IVAS 1.2 in the April through June timeframe. That testing is designed to help Army leaders decide if they want to skip production, do a limited run or dive into a larger bulk purchase. Based on that decision, Luckey said Anduril would be ready to move out, and any large-scale buy of IVAS 1.2 or Next could eventually be produced at the company’s future Arsenal-1 facility in Columbus, Ohio.
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