

Gadgets for niches of the future

SHOW Texting a Friend

SHOW Music Video

Creating an internet cloud

Microvision To Present at World Leading Photonics Conference Is that a projector in your pocket?

Intel CEO predicts a more personalised Internet

Information Display: Re-Focusing Microvision, Inc.

PC World: Microvision Projector Will Fit in Shirt Pocket

Electronics Weekly: Microvision debuts handheld projector for mobiles

Wrapping Up the Week

Gizmodo: Microvision PicoP Throwing iPod Video...on Some Dude's Back

Looking Ahead to the CES

Microvision SHOW PicoProjector on NBC KING 5 News

Microvision Signs Development Contract with Major Consumer Electronics Distributor and Manufacturer To Create Pico Projectors For Mobile Applications World's Smallest Projector Set for Launch

Microvision to Unveil Handheld ''Plug-and-Play'' Pico Projector for Mobile Devices That Delivers a Home Theater-Sized Viewing Experience